NC Democrats Weekly Content Package

In August of 2020, I launched the NC Dems Weekly Content Package! We know not every County Party or Auxiliary Organization and Caucus have a graphic designer or even a digital team, and we felt that there was a need for consistent social media content. The goal was to provide social media posts to voters and county parties across the state and grow a solid grassroots social media team to help spread our message from the mountains to the coast. Much to my excitement, it grew into so much more.

I began sending the Content Package to a small group of 147 County Chairs, District Chairs, Caucus presidents, and a few of our grassroots activists. From word of mouth alone, I now have more than 1,300 Legislators, other state parties, Congressional candidates, County Party Officers, District Chairs, Precinct Chairs, SEC members, Auxiliary Organizations and Caucuses, and grassroots activists who have signed up to receive these weekly emails and actively post our messaging.

Each week of the Content Package has a different theme, ranging from How to Register to Vote, to Celebrating and Honoring Black History Month, to Redistricting and everything in between. I provide a general overview of the topic of the week with supporting news clips and articles when relevant, social media posts to RT or share, social media graphics and captions for the email recipient to post to their own platforms, and other ways to maximize your impact.